Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stop Minimizing Mental Illness: Worst Things to Say

I typically only post Kentucky related stories or share national articles that explain news/options for Assisted Outpatient Treatment, but this is worth the read. SO TRUE! 

tells it like it 'really' is!

Let’s Not Forget, People Die From Mental Illness

The idea that mental illness is serious isn’t something that I made up, it is a fact. Estimates are 1 in 5 people with bipolar disorder commit suicide and 1 in 2 people (yes, that’s half) attempt it. And of course there are hospitalizations, work absences, destroyed families, having to go on disability, and so on. This is serious stuff people. It is not a runny nose.

Read her article by clicking here:

Kentucky Makes Progress in Developing ACT program!

Frequent Flyer program

Frequent Flyer program: An interview with the CEO of Seven Counties Services, Tony Zipple on people who cycle in and out of jail and the myriad of problems they face.

Last week, an excellent article was published by Chris Kenning of the Courier-Journal regarding an ACT program in Louisville, Kentucky. Assertive Community Treatment, is an evidence-based practice, that Kentucky falls behind in implementing! 

Read the article in the Courier Journal here:

Learn more about ACT by clicking here:

ACT helps those individuals with Severe and Persistent mental illness, instead of allowing them to fail first, (sometime over and over) or to "die with their civil rights on" in our streets or or in jail.
"Would we allow your Grandmother, who sometimes forgets who she is, and can no longer take care of herself -- by having laws that prevent her from receiving medication, housing, etc? Would we send your grandmother to jail, hoping she would learn to "NOT HAVE HER ALZHEIMER'S RELATED BEHAVIORS" and learn from punishment -- before she could finally access treatment?" Everyday in Kentucky, individuals and their families coping with mental illness are forced to deal with this reality!

Insanity - the Definition of Kentucky's Mental Health Laws at Work My Shattered Daughter, My Love! Written by "a Mom" from Lexington, KY --
 illustrates the horrific details of how Kentucky's dysfunctional mental health system allows people who cannot help themselves, to deteriorate, become homeless and end up in the revolving door.

By, GG Burns, KY Mental Health Advocate -- working to amend Ky's Community Based Outpatient Treatment Agreed Order under the KRS 202A.O81. Kentucky's Assisted Outpatient Treatment, AOT'

This law needs strengthening, in order to help those who can't help themselves and end up like Michael Stults! 

See HB 78 and SB 33 for more information.