Wednesday, March 11, 2015

HB65 would have been a way out of the revolving door, by Michael Gray

Thanks To Michael Gray for his leadership and for this well written explanation of HB65 in Medical News MD. Other than this blog, Michael's article was the only information published about HB65 in media outlets.
The fact that the Appropriations and Revenue committee used the cost of public defender hearings, as an excuse to derail this bill - indicates how much education is still needed regarding this humane solution to stop the revolving door.
When has “outpatient” treatment ever cost more than inpatient?  GG Burns

Michael Gray
"Even though HB65 died in the Appropriations and Revenue committee in Frankfort last week, we will be back next year to advocate for better treatment options!"  - Michael Gray

Michael Gray is executive director of NAMI Louisville, March 5, 2015

New treatment method gives mentally ill a chance at recovery while living independently, with family or in supportive housing.
There are a variety of treatment options for severe and persistent mental illness, but many people experience symptoms so great they are unable to access healthcare services voluntarily. They often end up homeless, incarcerated or involuntarily hospitalized, none of which provide long-term solutions to their symptoms or treatment for their illness.
Assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) should be an alternative to those worse-case scenarios. It allows people who would otherwise cycle in and out of the criminal justice system and short-term hospital stays to receive long-term treatment while remaining in the community. 
Community Based Option
AOT is a process where a person’s family, friends and mental health providers can work with the court system to determine the least restrictive means of treatment. It is only suited for people who have the most severe symptoms of mental illness and are often unaware that they need treatment.
Without intervention by their families and the courts, these individuals can end up homeless, incarcerated or victimized as a result of their symptoms. AOT provides a way out of the revolving door of ineffective outcomes by taking patients out of this cycle and giving them a chance at recovery while living on their own, with family or in supportive housing. 
Read more here:

Reproduced with permission from Medical News, LLC
Vol. [ Copyright or [March 2015]