Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dear President Obama, your solution will not help!

President Obama signs a series of executive orders Wednesday about the administration's gun law proposals as Vice President Biden and children who wrote letters to the White House about gun violence look on.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Dear President Obama, These measures will not help, it will overload teachers and expect them to wear too many hats. Our son experienced mental health symptoms since birth. Even though he had supports in the community and school system -- "his right to say no to treatment" -- at 18, as he aged into the adult system  -- has lead to serious and costly consequences. Regardless of having a good insurance plan and a loving supportive family, there was no way to help him remain in treatment.

As long as we allow our youngest, most vulnerable citizens to be protected by HIPPA and Civil Rights laws, they will continue to fall through the cracks!  (Where most end up in jail or homeless -- wasting state funds and their lives!)

When a person lacks insight 'to their illness', (anosognosia) there should be additional protections -- same as Alzheimer's patients.

A federal assisted outpatient treatment, (AOT) law in one way to make changes -- stop focusing on guns!

Obama's Plans For Guns Put Focus On Mental Health Of The Young

Learn more about Kentucky's outpatient treatment law under the KRS.202A.O81 and support HB78 and SB33, here: