Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Congressional Briefing after Isla Vista -- We need HR 3717 now more than ever

Mental Illness Report
Representative Tim Murphy (R-PA), chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, held a briefing on the subcommittee’s report on its investigation of federal programs that address severe mental illness. Topics included a bill to overhaul the current mental health system sponsored by Representative Murphy and a competing bill sponsored by Representative Ron Barber (D-AZ). Representative Murphy, a practicing clinical psychologist, was joined in responding to questions by a forensic psychiatrist, a mental health advocate, and a father whose son suffers from schizophreni
"We've found it easier to focus both the discussion and public resources on gauzy programs for "behavioral wellness" and "emotional well-being" than to confront the painful reality that those with schizophrenia or severe psychosis are more likely to up without care (4.4m), homeless (250,000), in prison or on parole (1.3m), or dead by or attempting suicide (1.38m) than in appropriate psychiatric treatment (approximately 4m)."