Monday, February 23, 2015

Mike Beard Shares his Support for HB65 with Kentucky Legislators

My name is Michael David Beard and I'm an active volunteer for NAMI Lexington. I'm 43 years old and have suffered from a mental illness the majority of my life. 

I am here to day to speak about HB65  because it reminded me of the early days of my diagnosis. 

Bad things can happen when you are sick.

In 1986, I entered the hospital for the first time. After that, it was a long road to recovery for me. 

Almost 25 years later, I now represent a successful organization that gives me a whole new life.

Today, I give my time to Participation Station and I share my story called IN OUR OWN VOICE. I am facilitator and I am a consumer of mental health services. I am also diagnosed with major depression and paranoid schizophrenia.

One of my favorite pastimes is playing on a men’s softball team.

My mission today is to explain why HB65 is important. It is about moving involuntary patients from the hospital to outpatient care.

HB65 contains a new pathway to treatment prior to involuntary hospitalization. 

If someone like myself who does not have insight, HB65 would be very helpful. 

My recovery has included hospitalization, medication and counseling. I've been hospitalized over 12 times in the span of 20 years where I was classified as a revolving door patient. I appreciate as much support as I need. 

I wish this outpatient treatment option had been available for me years ago.  

Please join me in supporting HB65

DrSheila Schuster, Kentucky Mental Health Coalition
GG BurnsMike D. Beard and Faye Morton

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