Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Solutions: Sickness in the system - stopping cycle of mentally ill

A massive overhaul is needed in Kentucky's mental health system!

Is ACT, (Assertive Community Treatment) the solution? Will ACT benefit the most seriously mentally ill individuals who lack insight they are ill, (anosognosia)? Will their civil rights still trump their ability to access treatment, without changes in Kentucky's outpatient treatment law?

Please post your comments here, or on the link under the WDRB story. 

Solutions: Sickness in the system - stopping cycle of mentally ill


  1. ACT Teams do work. (I work on one in Indiana.) However, they are expensive, and the work is challenging. With our clients, we have a range of folks, from totally refusing meds to medication compliant. We don't force medication and strive to meet the client where he or she is, working on the most pressing needs. Indiana's laws are somewhat different than Kentucky's, and ACT is regulated, with strong encouragement to comply with the DACTS Fidelity scale, which has been shown to increase cost-effectiveness (and, of course, client care/satisfaction). ACT is not for every client, but it does help keep folks out of jail and out of the hospital.

  2. thank you so much.this article is really veary helpfull.
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